Sunday, October 4, 2009

Consuming Green Tea

More people are embracing green tea and consuming it like never before. Green tea is regarded as a supplement that can be used in the weight loss regiment. And it’s so popular worldwide because of its natural ability to help shed extra pounds.

These days there has been increasing awareness about antioxidants and their role in the body metabolism. Green tea is one rich source of antioxidants and indeed there are some clinical trials that have proven its medicinal properties on malignant cells.

Some important beneficial effects of consuming green tea are as follows:

1 Weight loss
2 High energy levels
3 Enhanced memory
4 Elimination of body toxins

In a 24-hour period, consumption of green tea increases body metabolism rate by up to 5%. This is attributed to the surplus quantities of catechins (flavones) and polyphenols present in it and these biochemicals help in the oxidation of fat (or simply fat burning) and thermogenesis (process of body generation of heat/energy due to increased metabolic rate).

Green tea is believed to also regulate glucose levels and thereby checks fat absorption. Some reports says that a single-time consumption of green tea will burn about 60 calories in a day and that should equal to a light workout effect.

When green tea is included in a weight loss plan, it complements and hastens the fat burning process and the result is quicker weight loss while maintaining high energy levels. You can depend on this all-natural medicinal drink to get spikes of energy while your weight loss pills try to calm down your hunger urges.

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