Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Best Properties of Green Tea

These days many people have heard already of green tea and how it has helped many people around the world to improve their general health conditions and many times, to lose weight too. What we know as green tea here in the western hemisphere is made of leaves from the plant called Camellia sinensis and its ancient origins are in many China regions where it has been widely consumed for centuries, much before black tea consumption had been spread in the European continent and many if its colonies in the Americas and Africa.

There has been many legends around the properties of green tea, especially since it became an accessible drink in Europe and the rest of the world; they were so many that it was ineludible for scientific research to be applied to this famous drink to assess the truth of these health properties that were making green tea such a famous drink all over the world.

Researches done by some researchers has found that green tea indeed helps to lower the chance of developing a heart disease and also decreases the chances of acquiring certain types of cancer. But this is not all. It has been found that green tea also helps to lose weight. And this is one of the characteristics that have been increasing the appreciation of people in western countries for this ancient Chinese beverage.

As a general procedure for brewing you should use four grams of tea per one quarter of a liter of water. Brewing temperature is around eighty degrees Celsius and steeping time is around two minutes. For a better taste you should serve it in a warm coup so it doesn't immediately cool down.

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