Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Types of Organic Tea

Because of the regulations governing organics in various countries, and because they are produced in smaller amounts, organic teas are more expensive than other kinds of bulk tea. However, once you taste the difference, you’ll agree that paying a bit extra from organic teas is well worth it!

Organic Loose Tea
Bulk Tea has a long history behind it, both in the West and in Asia, where this remarkable and highly popular beverage originated. According to legend, tea fell from the sky as rain on the day the Buddha was born; in Japan, the tea ceremony is a tradition dating back to the days of the shoguns. Of course, “tea time” is an English tradition, and discontent over unfair tea taxes ultimately led to the loss of many of England’s North American colonies. Black and green organic teas such as oolong and pekoe and pekoe provide a substantial energy boost, but contain only a fraction of the caffeine found in coffee.

Organic loose tea is also a healthful beverage; both black and green varieties contain high amounts of health-promoting polyphenols and antioxidants.

Chai Tea
This exotic spiced form of black tea originates in India, where it is traditionally served hot with milk and sugar or even honey. The spices used – cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and in some cases, even black pepper add a natural sweetness. Chai tea is also great served over ice on warm afternoons.

Organic Herbal Teas
Herbal teas predate traditional black and green teas in the West by centuries. Many organic teas have been used for therapeutic and even medicinal purposes. For example, chamomile tea has been used to treat menstrual cramps that some younger women must endure; it is also a natural relaxant that promotes sleep. Men will be interested to know that some herbal teas such as licorice, ginseng and maca are thought to raise energy levels and improve sexual function.

Tea Accessories
Part of tea-related traditions includes tea accessories such as tea pots, tea warmers and platters. If you are purchasing organic loose teas, you’ll definitely need tea balls, as bulk tea comes loose – there are no tea bags.

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