Sunday, May 24, 2009

Organic Green Tea from Japan

Is Japanese organic green tea the best tea in the world? That might be a stretch but all in all it's a great tea that will help your health. There is couple Japanese organic green tea's such as Tombo Tea - Sencha and Tombo Tea Genmai. One of the factors when considering organic green teas of any sort is finding out of they are certified and actually organic and not just labeled organic.

Green tea has many benefits and just plain makes you feel good physically and mentally. It is also said the Japanese on average live over eighty years old which is a very long life expectancy. They might be onto something drink great tea every day. Instead of drinking soda with a meal, it’s better to have green tea in place of soda. One of the better quotes regarding tea is "Better to be deprived of food for three days then tea for one." Some people would agree with that I think when it comes to Japanese organic green tea, put that on a bumper sticker.

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