Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Many of the health benefits of green tea have been documented in clinical trials and more are continuously being found and claimed. One such study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has confirmed that it does in fact help with weight loss. It is known that caffeine speeds up the metabolism and for a while it was thought that the caffeine was the key. Yet it has roughly half the caffeine of coffee and caffeinated drinks did not really help in weight loss.

Further study has shown that green tea contains the catechin pigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) - a compound that triggers most of the health benefits. EGCG makes up a large part of the green tea leaves and aids the body in breaking up the fat cells. The full extent of the benefits depends on how many cups are drunk in a day with suggestions that benefits can be seen in as few as one cup, though two to four are recommended. Some people even suggest up to ten cups of green tea a day.

Yet it is not the end all for weight loss. Even though it aids the body in burning fat, exercise and proper diet are still needed. A regular exercise routine coupled with green tea will be a way to speed up the weight loss. Even a little progress can be good for the psyche and help one stay focused on their diet and exercise routines.

With everyone's busy schedule it may seem hard to fit in a drink, but it is a lot simpler than one might think. For instance instead of drinking coffee every day, drink green tea. Bring a thermos of tea rather than a thermos of coffee to work. Green tea has some caffeine and offers health benefits without the downward crash from overdosing on caffeinated coffee.

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